The corona virus epidemic will also affect the increase in the minimum wage next year


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Due to the epidemic, national wage negotiations will start later than usual this year. The first negotiations are expected to take place in late October, Imre Palkovics told the Hungarian nation. The president of the National Federation of Workers’ Councils stressed that the uncertainty about the epidemic remains high, which is why the unions did not consider it viable to start meaningful negotiations in September on the amount of the minimum wage for next year and the guaranteed minimum wage. Substantial negotiations are expected to be based on indicators from the third quarter.

The president looks forward to the lengthy end-of-year talks. He recalled that the negotiations between the social partners had been difficult in recent years, and that the situation this year due to the coronavirus and the uncertainty in the economy could make it even more difficult to reach an agreement.

Uncertainty continues to shape the day-to-day lives of private sector actors and data shows that the epidemic has resumed. Therefore, the fall salary negotiations are expected to start only in late fall, the Free Union of Engineers and Technicians (MTSZSZ) told the Hungarian Nation. They emphasized that the coming weeks will be crucial, since in addition to the internal spread of the epidemic, the international situation will also have an impact on the results. At present, the situation of companies, especially companies operating in the industry, is different: many players make up for missing spring orders, but the representation also knows companies where orders are missing.

Fortunately, a large number of workers are not yet dispatched, but there are companies to which, although in small numbers, they are leaning. The MTSZSZ added that so far the union side has not formed its position on how much a salary increase would be needed next year, however, the representation emphasized that a further increase in salaries is inevitable.

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