Coronavirus: the situation in the Czech Republic is considered worrisome by the WHO – Babis


The Prague Office of the World Health Organization (WHO) described the development of the coronavirus epidemic in the Czech Republic as worrying. Prime Minister Andrej Babis harshly criticized and rejected the WHO statement, writes MTI. Meanwhile, the rate of spread of the infection has slowed in Romania and the number of new infections in the Western Balkans is decreasing.

“Recent data shows the spread of the epidemic across the country and an increase in the number of patients needing hospital treatment, including those with serious medical conditions,” the WHO office in the Czech Republic said in a statement on Tuesday. The organization says it is necessary to increase the capacity of the smart quarantine system.

Zdenka Jágrová, director of the Prague Medical Officers Service, said a few days ago that Prague was slowly unable to follow the mapping of the connections of the infected. Health Minister Adam Vojtech informed the government on Monday that they are only considering investigating those who have been in contact with those who have been confirmed to have been infected in recent days. Prime Minister Andrej Babis said then that the issue would be examined by experts and that a decision would be made on Friday.

“There is no alternative to testing, contact detection and isolation of the infected, not here in the Czech Republic or elsewhere,” says WHO. The solution to this problem is to expand the capacity of the smart quarantine system, says the WHO.

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“It would have been better if the WHO had listened,” the Czech prime minister responded to the statement. According to Babis, unlike the WHO, the Czech government recognized the epidemic threat in a timely manner and took appropriate action.

In the Czech Republic, 563 new confirmed coronavirus infections were detected on Monday, and the number of cases per day now exceeds 600 for the sixth time. There are currently 8,424 confirmed infected people, the highest number so far. Although the evolution of the disease is mild in most, the number of hospital admissions has risen to 214. Of these, 54 are connected to a ventilator, according to data from the Ministry of Health on Tuesday morning. The death toll rose to 437.

The situation is worse in Pelhrimov and Prague, where there are 101 and 74 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, respectively. In Prague, the mandatory use of a mask will be extended from Wednesday: in addition to public transport, health institutions and offices, shops and shopping centers will now only be accessible with a mask. The use of a mask will also be mandatory for upper secondary students in the closed common spaces of the institution. The bars and clubs will be closed at midnight.

In Romania, the spread of the infection has decreased somewhat

In Romania, the rate of spread of coronavirus infections has slowed somewhat, the third day of which is below the average for the last two weeks. According to a report from the Strategic Communications Tribe (GCS) on Tuesday, another 1,336 people have been diagnosed with coronavirus infection in the past 24 hours, two percent below the average for the past two weeks. The number of infected people identified since the beginning of the epidemic has thus exceeded 97,000, of which almost 41,000 people have been declared cured after two negative tests.

On Tuesday, 41 other coronavirus patients reported the death of GCS. This increased the number of victims of the epidemic in Romania to 3,967, and 126 Romanian citizens suffering from COVID-19 lost their lives abroad. About 7,200 of the known infections are hospitalized, and the number of severe cases has been steadily declining during the sixth day. Currently, 460 coronavirus patients are being treated in intensive care.

The epidemic has spread in recent days mainly in Bucharest, with more than 28 percent of new cases reported Tuesday from the capital and surrounding Ilfov county. On Saturday, a third of the cases were diagnosed in Bucharest and its metropolitan area. In Bucharest, the number of known active cases exceeds ten thousand. The least active cases are seen in Szilágy (119) and Harghita (128) counties.

The number of new infections in the Western Balkans is decreasing

The number of new infections per day is steadily declining in the Western Balkan countries, with only twice as many new cases registered each year, except in Montenegro on Tuesday, but since the beginning of March, a total of 88,651 have been infected in five. countries in the region.

The number of people cured during the same period was 72,868, while a total of 2,686 people lost their lives as a result of complications from the Covid-19 disease. In the Western Balkans, the number of confirmed infections and the death toll increased by 363 from Monday to Tuesday.

The number of infections recorded on Tuesday increased by 36 to 31,941 in Serbia, 85 to 14,204 in Kosovo, 37 to 15,134 in North Macedonia, 99 to 21,713 in Bosnia and Herzegovina and 106 in Montenegro. It has grown to 5,659. The death toll increased from one to 725 in Serbia, from five to 568 in Kosovo, from six to 623 in North Macedonia, from nine to 661 in Bosnia and Herzegovina and from one to 109 in Montenegro.
