Under the new epidemiological action plan, parents can only enter educational institutions with permission, events must be postponed or a strict staff limit must be maintained.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in the spring, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

The Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi) has expanded its epidemiological measures plan for the current school year, which was drawn up in mid-August. According to the new version described by Money Center

  • Parents and accompanying persons cannot enter the school only with the prior permission of the director of the institution or due to programs organized specifically for parents.
  • The large number of events planned for the first half of the year (graduation party, festivities, dances, cultural programs) should be postponed, or the number limit and compliance with health protection measures and organizing an outdoor event by organizing them.
  • In primary and secondary schools, it is recommended to temporarily suspend afternoon sports sessions (out of class), sports circles, school choir / choir rehearsals.
  • Class meals must be organized separately. If, due to local conditions in the given institution, it is not possible to ensure the separation of classes during restaurant meals, meals may be allowed in the classroom itself.
  • A child, student, or educator who has stayed home due to illness may return to the institution with a certificate from a general practitioner, attending physician, or a final report from the hospital. In the case of official home quarantine, a decision issued by the epidemiological authority must be submitted to lift epidemiological surveillance.

The action plan was also supplemented by the fact that, in the event of the participation of the coronavirus, only the Office of Education can order an extraordinary interruption in the given institution or in the settlement institutions.

Since the beginning of the school year, a student or worker with coronavirus has been reported in several schools. More recently, one of the classes at the Radnóti Miklós School of Practice had to switch to a digital work schedule outside of the classroom because one of the students got infected.

The Szolnok Sipos Orbán Vocational School and College Vocational Training Center also switched to online education, because one of the instructors turned out to be infected.

I assumed for a month at school – students said teaching would stop soon

Some say schools will be focal points for an epidemic, but parents are more concerned than students. The children are happy to finally be able to go to school for the first time or to meet their peers and teachers again after a long spring quarantine period. However, schooling may not be enjoyed for long – some students say the worsening epidemic allows up to a month of regular teaching.

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What action plan Hungarian schools received in case of epidemics was published

At home

The Democratic Union of Teachers (PDSZ) has been asking the government for this for weeks.

There will be a protocol of action for schools, but it is not yet known when

At home

Schools will receive an action protocol by the start of the fall school year, according to the Human Resources Department. It’s true, I still don’t know when. According to the Teachers’ Union, they are already late.