Hungary is getting redder on this coronavirus map


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The European Commission’s Joint Research Center (Joing Research Center) has been producing spectacular maps (examined according to a common methodology) of the Member States since the spread of the coronavirus epidemic in Europe, broken down at the regional level.

The map makes it easy to track how high the coronavirus epidemic risk index is for a given day, calculated from the speed at which the virus is spreading. The redder a particular region is, the greater the risk. This is the indicator and map that national research teams across Europe, but also here, prefer to follow.

The map clearly shows that we can distinguish three distinct groups within Europe in terms of the risk of coronavirus transmission at this time.

  • The situation is uniformly serious in France and Spain, since the value of the risk indicator is above 11 points at the national level.
  • However, Germany, Poland and almost all of Italy, as well as Austria, Slovakia and Slovenia, are not risky in this regard.
  • This is not the case in Eastern Europe, where (in parallel with the outbreak of the epidemic) more and more regions, such as the Czech Republic, Croatia, Romania and Hungary, as well as some Balkan states, have been blushing.

Compared to other European countries, the current risk situation in Hungary is not good either. Within the country, Budapest and the county of Pest have the highest value of the risk index, which is not surprising, since this is where the majority of cases are found and the rate of spread of the epidemic is the fastest. Additionally, Fejér County has a CCR value greater than 10.

Forrás: Joing Research Center.

In a separate article recently, we noted that the epidemic is spreading in Hungary at an outstanding rate compared to countries in the region. The value of the reproduction rate is close to 2, while in V4 countries this value was around 1 according to the conditions of last week.

This map, and within it the color of the regions of Hungary, shows that the emergency situation derived from the coronavirus epidemic differs within countries and in certain regions. This map is also a kind of warning sign. The deteriorating trend in Hungary and the appearance of darker red spots also support the fact that compliance with existing epidemiological control measures is extremely important. It is no coincidence that several experts have discussed in recent days, for example, the importance of the use of masks.

It is in the common interest to avoid the national shutdown seen in the spring, as this would cost not only society but also the economy.

Forrás: Joing Research Center.

Cover image source: MTI / Zoltán Balogh
