The director of the National Theater has a hard time with the current period, but he receives so much support that he feels he has to get ahead.

The building of the University of Theater and Film Arts is still locked, students will not be admitted to the new board of directors. Although László Upor postponed the start of the school year by a week, it is not yet clear how education will begin within the walls of the institution. Attila Vidnyánszky has now given an interview to Mandiner, in which he spoke, among other things, that a few days ago, when he sat down with the university management, he said that the most important thing was to start the school year well.

“I asked if we were with the teachers, László Bagossy said that there are some problems with this due to the layoffs. We agreed that the current leaders – László Upor, Gábor Németh and Bagossy – would replace the missing teachers. Now however we had to face that

they have voluntarily decided not to start teaching “

Vidnyánszky told the newspaper. In any case, he did not try to enter the SZFE building, he did not want to provoke the situation. He also explained what he meant when it came to the fact that national Christian values ​​should also have a place in the university. He believes that when they teach, they convey a set of values, “but there will be a much more colorful education in college if it is given a wide variety of ideas, beliefs, methodologies and worldviews.”

The director of the National Theater also spoke in this interview that professional dialogue is hampered by the fact that everything takes place in the political space, but that is not what students want to see. He thinks it’s the SZFE case

for the opposition, a straw to cling to and a story that can be built according to their political interests. In this, the tools are the students, whether they like it or not.

According to Attila Vidnyánszky, there was no regime change in his profession, it is happening right now. He believes that thirty – or, if you prefer, seventy – years of repressed thoughts are coming to the surface, from both sides.

“It is quite shocking and moving for me that everyone is showing solidarity with me. Great seniors call and support. I wouldn’t be able to do it alone if I didn’t feel so much social support behind me. What is painful is that the stories that I receive five or ten a day from the last decades of the performing arts still do not sound public, they just remain in my emails, in my memory. People still don’t dare to stand up, the dam has not broken, ”he said, adding that he believes that those who would take the debate to a professional level are putting pressure on him.

On the fact that Kaposvár students also supported SZFE, Vidnyánszky said: It is possible to speak in Kaposvár, as well as in the National Theater,

therefore, no one is retaliated against. This is the difference between the two ways of thinking. We are much more open than those who constantly promote its openness. Doesn’t anyone seriously think that all Performing Arts students and teachers agree with what is happening on Vas Street now? Why don’t they talk? Why don’t you dare take their opinion? These are really worrying issues. “

The National Director has difficulties to endure this period, but says that he has the responsibility to be a participant in public life, acting in accordance with his values. In addition, he says, he has an experience that bandage your wounds, and there is so much support from both the civil and professional world that you feel like you have to go through this.

I feel our faith is incredibly strong

– He said.

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