The alarm bells are ringing, Hungary is in big trouble


Hungary is at the forefront of the proliferation of coronavirus infections, experts say that restrictions should be stricter, because a country like Florida, where the spread of the epidemic among young people has also accelerated.

Currently, the coronavirus infection is probably the fastest-spreading infection in Hungary, said Ferenc Falus, a former medical director, citing the latest data. According to the people, the government did not act in time. They were allowed to break free from the epidemic in August by allowing parties, concerts, garden parties, village days, freshman camps, larger weddings. Now it will be very difficult to catch the spread of the infection.

Gatherings of groups of more than 15 people should be clearly prohibited and free trials should be immediately available to the government. According to the expert, at least 15,000 tests should be performed daily. The epidemic is getting stronger and affects mainly young people. They can survive the infection with mild or asymptomatic transmission, thus transmitting the virus almost unnoticed. A week ago, Beatrix from Russia, a senior epidemiologist at the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, said something similar had happened in Florida.

First, young people also got sick there, and then the infection spread to other age groups. It only took five weeks for the death toll to rise as well. He also spoke of the need for a new defense strategy, one of the important elements of which is the largest possible number of tests, rapid detection and isolation of connections.

According to World Economy, the last week has placed an extremely heavy burden on sampling teams conducting corona tests. Generally, it was not possible to take a sample from a person suspected of having a coronavirus within 24 hours of notifying the GP. There was a unit that came to work in the capital 100 kilometers from Budapest. They went to 25 addresses in one day, paramedics revealed.
