Szabolcs Dull received an award from the German press


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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Szabolcs Dull, editor-in-chief of Index, who was fired in July, received one of the highest awards from the German press, the M100 Media Award for supporting press freedom and independent journalism. Dunja Mijatovic, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, will present the award to him on September 17 in Potsdam.

Szabolcs Dull at RTL Híradó after his dismissal at the end of July.

It was stated that the award-winning body “strongly expresses its solidarity with its 36-year-old journalist, its support for the fundamental rights of freedom of the press and its fight against outside interference in editorial decisions. “Whenever the independence of journalists is undermined, democracy is eroded. That is why we must defend ourselves to protect journalists like Szabolcs Dull from undue interference in their work. “ Mijatovic said. The award is sponsored primarily by Potsdam.

Szabolcs Dull was fired after speaking out that the Index was under political pressure. Due to his dismissal, the entire editorial board has resigned, they are launching a new newspaper called Telex, and the Index, which has been trashed by pro-government circles, is no longer recognizable.

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