The National Committee to Support Breastfeeding has been established


The National Breastfeeding Support Committee was established, which aims to increase the number of breastfed babies in Hungary, the Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi) told MTI on Monday.

It was written: the committee Ildiko Horváth Secretary of State for Health and Beneda Atila in the presence of the Undersecretary of State for Family Policy.

The communication cited Ildikó Horváth, who said that exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months after birth is the basis of a newborn’s health, determines his entire life and means the closest possible mother-child bond. They also cited the Undersecretary of State for Family Policy, who said that direct contact with the mother was of particular importance for the healthier development of breastfed children, the prevention of certain diseases and their impact on the calm psychological development of the child.

The Breastfeeding Support Committee will act following the recommendations of the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children’s Fund, primarily as an advisory, advisory and decision-making body to the Minister of Health.

At the request of the government, committee members include renowned lactation experts, physicians, nurses, psychologists and consultants from professional and non-governmental organizations working in the fields related to breastfeeding and breastfeeding support. The committee will begin its work with 25 members and will be chaired for four years by László Gárdos, neonatologist, gastroenterologist and president of the Hungarian Society of Pediatricians.

The goal of the experts is to create an environment that mediates, supports and illuminates a unified approach, where, depending on the mother’s decision, exclusive breastfeeding prevails until the baby is 6 months, and then can continue until 2 years or more, Emmi announced.

The ad recalled that a few years ago, the breastfeeding rate was the health indicator for which Hungary was at the forefront not only in Europe but also in the world.

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