Szijjártó: With minimal geographic knowledge, it can be seen that helicopter assistance was also needed for this day.


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

I’m interested

Independent MP Ákos Hadházy wrote last week that Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Péter Szijjártó flew a police helicopter to Ecencsény on July 14, where he transferred to his present Mercedes and headed for Tolna, 15 km away. away, as Hadházy wrote. to show off government support, ”then Szekszárd flew back from Őcsény. Levente Magyar, Secretary of State for the Ministry, responded to the question that “this is the only way to implement this program.”

Photo: Péter Szijjártó / Facebook

In the midst of his busy assignments tonight, Péter Szijjártó responded to the news on Facebook, listing his shows from last Friday, asking which one he should have missed. Full statement of the Minister:

“It’s been a long day too, and now it’s a bummer to pack home because we’re going to the UAE at midnight, from there to Malta, Bangladesh and Laos for one more week.

And as for the weekend news, I see some who complain that I sometimes use a Police (ie state) helicopter when I cannot do my job any other way due to time constraints.

Okay, I get the point.

Here’s the question for those who have criticized her:

Let’s look at the working day on Friday. What work shouldn’t I have done?

1. Shouldn’t he have negotiated with Shell executives in Budapest and announced Hungary’s first long-term gas purchase agreement with a Western company?

2. Shouldn’t the Romanian Foreign Minister and the Minister of Transport have met in Nagykereki and shouldn’t the second motorway connection on the Hungarian-Romanian border have been delivered?

3. Shouldn’t I have gone to Oradea to meet with the DAHR candidates running in the Romanian municipal elections, and shouldn’t I have agreed with them about the future support of the Hungarians from Transylvania and Partium?

4. Shouldn’t I have met with the leaders of Mezei-Vill Kft. In Berettyóújfalu and should I have announced an investment of more than HUF 500 million to protect hundreds of jobs?

With minimal geographic knowledge, it can be seen that helicopter assistance was also needed for this day.

I ask again: which of these jobs should I not have done?

He does not explain why he disagreed by phone or video conference, or what could have happened if he had not been able to be at the Hungarian-Romanian border to deliver the second highway connection.

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