Index – National – Romanian commentators are also upset that Péter Szijjártó did not wear a mask in the delivery


They delivered a stretch of road and a border crossing over the weekend. Nagykereki-Bors II. The motorway border crossing connects the Hungarian M4 motorway with the 5-kilometer section of the Romanian A3 motorway. A 26-kilometer stretch of road has just been delivered on the Hungarian side, thus a direct connection was established between Debrecen and Oradea. On the yielded road on the Hungarian side, 20 new modern bridges, a crossing, a car rest, an axle weight measuring station, a nearly 2.5 kilometer bird protection wall and a wall of acoustic protection of 540 meters in Gáborján and Nagykerek. Construction cost 83,000 million HUF net. At the moment, a modest 5.3 km motorway has been built on the Romanian side of the road, linking the Oradea-Satu Mare national road together with a settlement in Bihor county.

The Foreign Minister also reached the Romanian border by helicopter. It has been criticized by many in the past. Peter Szjjártó for a 140-kilometer trip by helicopter lasting an hour and a half. The topic was also covered in the RTL Klub newsletter.

The Romanian political messages are forceful, the National Liberal Party (PNL) – which now also expects disappointed voters from the DAHR – arrived like grits. They also managed to stay with their political opponent, the Social Democrats: under three years of socialist rule, they will not be able to show as much improvement as the NLP in ten months, Minister Lucian Nicolae Bode said at a press conference. Even on the official website of the Romanian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, it was stated that no section of the Transylvanian highway was closed. The interesting thing about the case is that it was announced a week after the closure of the Hungarian border and in the presence of Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó.

The Romanian business newspaper, presumably close to PNL, should also write that Romania and Hungary were linked by road. Among the many self-adhesive statements, they also quote Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó: – The new connection is a common success, a good basis for building trust and mutual respect between the two countries. “On the basis of this trust and mutual respect, even difficult problems can be solved and closed,” the minister declared. All Romanian central newspapers and news agencies reported the handover as a Romanian-Hungarian reconciliation.

Romanian commentators were extremely excited about where the Péter Szijjártó mask was, which he should have worn due to the coronavirus epidemic. During the news published on Lucian Nicolae Bode’s Facebook page, he also addressed the manager of the Hungarian ministry. His administrator did not respond and some posts were later removed.

In his post on social media, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó himself noted that one of the Hungarian news portals on the Internet also considered his lack of a mask newsworthy, and also attached an article about this to 24 .hu.
