Recent prediction: the coronavirus could turn into a “cold”


The coronavirus epidemic will shake people for a few more months, and next year the disease caused by this pathogen will be domesticated, says a Serbian doctor and clinical researcher.

The new type of coronavirus disease, Covid-19, which has killed hundreds of thousands of people in recent months, will go from mild to the common cold next year, said Dr. Danica Grujicic, chief of neuro-oncology at the Neurosurgery Clinic of the Serbian Clinical Center, according to Free Hungarian Word in Vojvodina. Grujicic noted that many survived the coronavirus infection without even knowing it, so he hoped herd immunity would occur soon.

The specialist, who recently underwent a coronavirus infection, said he was likely infected at a funeral. He had no symptoms other than a fever of 37.3 degrees, which also lasted only three days. I have an allergy to ragweed and my nose is also runny, I don’t feel very well. As soon as I got the positive result, I went into quarantine, “said the doctor, who said that he survived the infection so easily because he immediately went to the doctor and strengthened his resilience.

Two weeks after the onset of the first symptoms, the patient is no longer infected, but in many people the coronavirus does not produce any symptoms, so it is very important to maintain the use of a mask and hygiene. In general, we will have to comply with the current measures for another month or two, but next year the infection will turn into a simple cold, which means that we will achieve herd immunity, said Dr. Grujicic.
