A Hungarian priest asks Pope Francis to repeal celibacy, believes that this way of life is unhealthy


He shared a long, solid post on his blog. Peter Cseh, and the letter, which also calls for the dissolution of celibacy, was addressed directly to Pope Francis.

Priestly loneliness in the parish is a defect that gives rise to a thousand defects. For example, concubine, addiction, could dominate the pastoral style, structural selfishness, in a word, self-centeredness.

– writes.

“I am the priest of the Diocese of Pécs. I have been serving as governor of a parish in Szabadszentkirály since August 5, 2020, ”reads the blog, which is largely about how lonely a priest really is in a rural parish, with a Czech person who is barely in contact with the corona virus, for example.

Due to the loneliness of the priestly lifestyle, “I cannot honestly and sincerely recommend that any young man in the diocese apply for priestly service. I am convinced that the destruction I saw during my 10 years of priestly ministry in parish pastoralism is not a testimony to the fruitful power of the gospel, but is due in large part to the increasingly unhealthy reality of the priestly lifestyle ”.

Czech recommends the following for this reason. “Within a specific period of time – up to 5 years – each diocesan clergy will choose between the following five options:

  1. Enter a clerical community of at least 3 with your diocesan comrades.
  2. Ask to be admitted to a monastic community or other community with papal rights that receives clergy.
  3. He asks for and receives an exemption from his promise of celibacy and marries while maintaining his public priestly ministry.
  4. If you do not want any of the first three forms of community life, or if you clearly lack the reality of commitment in your intentions, you will be placed in reserve. In this state, he does not receive a pastoral assignment, but retains his clerical status. He cares for himself without a home or priestly salary. With the permission of a local pastor, he may occasionally serve as a priest. If you want to change your situation later, you can choose from the first three community lifestyles.
  5. He asks for secularization, which he automatically receives if he justifies his intention with the argument that he does not want to live a communal way of life.

Hvg.hu recalls: Péter Cseh is almost traditionally an autonomous priest; Árpád Habony He also asked about his identity and also wanted to support the settlement fee from the pulpit. The latter could not do because it was suspended, but in 2017 the investigation concluded that there is no aspect that hinders the priestly service of Péter Cseh, so that from March 2017 he can return to perform his parish functions.

Featured Image: Tamás Korponai /24.hu
