The coronavirus is present in more and more Hungarian schools


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József Tóth Citizen The mayor of the Hajdú-Bihar County Government Office announced on the Facebook page of the Hajdú-Bihar County Government Office that all employees of the Attila József Vocational School of the Berettyóújfalu Vocational Training Center, including teachers and other technical personnel, As of 07/09/2020, teaching will take place in the form of digital education outside the classroomHe also added that they were still unaware of the officially confirmed civil coronavirus.

Meanwhile, southern Hungary reported that three by Szeged Coronavirus infections have already been found in the school. A total of 91 children and 15 educators participated. The coronavirus has also appeared in the Radnóti Miklós Experimental Gymnasium, the Tömörkény István Gymnasium and the Kossuth Lajos Primary School in Szőreg, the Ministry of Human Resources reported to the newspaper. At these institutions, they switched to extracurricular digital work one class at a time. In none of the institutions was it necessary to order an extraordinary rupture. The newspaper also learned that a class had to be sent home from the SZTE practice middle and elementary school due to a suspected infection.

At the castle gate Ninety students and 13 teachers were quarantined in Kapuvár after three students at the St. Vincent St. Paul School Center tested positive for the coronavirus. The ministry and operations staff have not currently ordered a break, testing those who have now been quarantined in the first round. If they become further infected, they will order an extraordinary break or resume the school year digitally.

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