Index – Foreigner – Alexei Navalny has recovered from his coma


Alexei Navalny’s condition is improving, he is no longer in a coma, the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin clinic announced on Monday. A Russian opposition politician, probably poisoned with drugs called rookies, is already able to react to his surroundings, to human voices. Doctors gradually bring him out of a coma. Gradually separates from the fan, however, the long-term health effects of the poisoning cannot yet be predicted, German doctors said.

Alexei Navalny has been in the Berlin clinic since August 22, where he was transferred from Moscow.

An opposition politician fell into a coma on August 20 on a Tomsk-Moscow flight. He was hospitalized in Omsk, Siberia, where local doctors denied that Navalny had been poisoned, claiming that they had not found the cause of the disease. However, German doctors identified a military neurotox named Novics in the politician’s blood.

As a result of the assassination attempt, the West and Russia have once again become estranged and German-Russian cooperation in the construction of the “North Stream-2” gas pipeline has also been compromised.
