Together with László Kövér, the rector of the University of Veterinary Medicine referred to the SZFE as a bad example


László Kövér was carried out in the presence of the inauguration ceremony of the University of Veterinary Medicine. We wouldn’t be the first to highlight any of the president’s statements about the incident, but Péter Sótonyi In light of yesterday’s demonstration and its strong protest at the SZFE, the rector’s words seem quite resolute:

Unlike some higher education institutions that organize political demonstrations and are interested in political actions, we are especially pleased to be among the universities that changed the model, said the rector, adding that the university continues to operate under the Marek József Foundation.

In his opinion, the change of maintainer allows much more flexible management and a faster response to changes in the world. The training and educational structure remain unchanged, and Hungarian students continue to receive state-funded education in line with the number of recent years. They can make better use of the potential of market-based foreign language training within a basic framework, he said.

László Kövér indicated that independence cannot mean unlimited freedom. However, increased independence cannot mean “a greater separation from the Hungarian reality, national and social expectations” for any institution, the politician emphasized, adding: “university autonomy serves to strengthen Hungarian cultural sovereignty, not to destroy it. ”

The president of the National Assembly pointed out that today there is intense competition, struggle for power and reordering in the world, in the political, military, financial, economic, technological and cultural fields. Therefore, he continued, in the growing uncertainty of the 21st century. The issue of security is gaining ground for the peoples of the 21st century.

He also praised the profession and said that the vet, in addition to the priest, doctor and teacher, was a respected member of the intelligentsia of rural Hungary, and “this should not be any different in the future.”

Featured Image: Rector Péter Sótonyi (b4) will deliver a speech at the opening ceremony of the University of Veterinary Medicine on the university campus on September 7, 2020. In addition, András Kosztolányi, Head of Institution, Tibor Németh, Deputy Director, László Kövér, President of Parliament, József Bódis, Secretary of State for Higher Education, Innovation and Professional Training of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, and Tibor Bartha, Deputy Director (Bj). MTI / Bruzák Noémi
