Marija Kalesznyikava, who recently founded the party, was transferred by minibus.

Hundreds of thousands are demanding the departure of Europe’s last dictator and the holding of new presidential elections after Alexander Lukashenko is suspected of winning an allegedly fraudulent election. The Belarusian opposition took to the streets masses who had no experience at the time of the regime change. The peaceful demonstrations were systematically crushed by army force, and thousands of activists were arrested by riot police. Follow us for the latest news!

Marija Kaleshnikava, a member of the Coordinating Council of the Belarusian Opposition in Minsk, was abducted by strangers. HE The Belarusian news portal, citing eyewitnesses, reported that

on Monday morning, masked people put Kaleshnikava in a minibus and then left with him.

All they know about the minibus is that it had the words Svjaz (connection, connection). According to the news portal, Kaleshnikava has not answered phone calls since then.

Another member of the Coordinating Council, Maxim Znak, also confirmed that he could not contact him.

Two members of the opposition coordination council, Olha Kovalkova and Syarhei Dilevsky, were detained for two weeks on Monday by a special unit of the Belarusian police. Kovalkova was forced abroad last week when she was told about it, tortured and not released from prison.

The kidnapped Kolesznyikova, a member of the council presidency, announced in late August that she would form a party called Vmesztyi (Together).

The purpose of the Coordinating Council is to reach a negotiated agreement with the government on the transfer of power. It was constituted on August 18 and two days later a criminal proceeding was initiated against him.

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Szijjártó wrote a letter to his friend, Lukashenko's minister, but no one should believe that the target is the culprit.
At home

According to Lukashenko, the Catholic Church supports the opposition in the Belarusian protests, so the Catholic Archbishop of Minsk has not been able to return to his homeland from Poland since August 31. Peter Szijjártó now grabbed a pen for his sake.

Hundreds of protesters were arrested in Belarus

Despite the ban on the demonstration, there were tens of thousands on the streets of Minsk and other Belarusian cities.