Even if there is no tangible result of Sunday’s chain of life, Másik Magyarország has come forward and maybe it will change everything.


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

I’m interested

I add to the fact that despite the university occupation, the life chain and the growing wave of protests, the political commissioners of the system will take over the SZFE in days and weeks. As originally planned.

However, Sunday’s live network college student demonstration was not in vain. Furthermore, I think it was a very exceptional event with the potential to even seriously change the mood of the non-state party that supports the country.

Photo: Bence Szemerey / photo by bence szemerey http://szemerey.com

This is because the chaining was a great experience, perhaps due to his basic mood. Although many thousands of people were walking, chatting, drinking and cycling through the streets of Budapest on Sunday afternoon for a rather depressing and suffocating reason, it was not all thwarted, but basically joyous.

The published people of Budapest and the countryside proved that even if the violent and whispered lucrative state party, who only know the standard, the normal, kind, cultured and supportive Other Hungary exists.

In addition, it not only exists in the abstract, but is capable of physically assembling a massive event almost never seen before in a matter of hours, occupying several square kilometers of the city center without violence or even disrupting car traffic. .

Photo: Bence Szemerey / photo by bence szemerey http://szemerey.com

But the event is not just a message for the government side. It was hard not to realize that as soon as you didn’t have to watch and listen to many oppressive DKs and serfs, but the dissatisfied civil mass manifested, how much the bar had risen. In the last ten years, I have experienced such a European atmosphere in the last ten years, in addition to the CEU demonstrations and the exclusive demonstration of net debtors of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Roosevelt Square, and one of the keys to the success was that the parties they blew.

The event, conceived and organized in a classic way by the students and full of life by the participants, basically meant that “we are shitting you, there are more important things for you”. Especially for Fidesz, of course, but basically for all political forces.

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