Clinical trials of the Hungarian-developed therapy, which has a high probability of preventing the excessive immune response induced by the coronavirus, the so-called cytokine storm and the severe organ damage that follows, may begin in Hungary, Növekedé wrote.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in the spring, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

The infusion treatment was developed by a Hungarian biologist immunologist living in the United States, Lajos Baranyi, who told the newspaper:

If all goes according to plan, treatments with the new therapy may begin at the end of the year or the beginning of the next.

According to Baranyi, while between 80 and 85 percent of people outgrow the new type of coronavirus asymptomatically or with milder symptoms, a smaller proportion experience severe bilateral pneumonia or other organ damage. And this is not caused by the virus, but by an abnormally strong immune response, called a cytokine storm, mainly in the elderly and in chronic patients.

Based on previous studies, Baranyi infusion therapy can be used to prevent the excessive immune response induced by the coronavirus, the so-called cytokine storm, and the severe organ damage that follows.

During therapy, active peptides, that is, protein molecules, are infused into the body; read the article. They are non-toxic, they do not have toxic degradation products, they break down within a few hours, so they do not overload the immune system, but at the same time suppress its over-activation. And because they are independent of viruses, they cannot develop resistance to them.

Baranyi has also launched a patent procedure for the therapy in the United States and Germany (the latter is required for EU registration) and has started negotiations with the Hungarian Medicines Authority to conduct clinical trials in Hungary. The researcher put it this way: Pre-clinical and clinical trials with the product are expected to begin in a few weeks, according to preliminary discussions in Szeged and Budapest.

After animal testing, as with other human drug studies, this product will first be tested on healthy volunteers to ensure it has no toxic effects. If this can be clearly ruled out, patients can already receive treatment in Phase 2 of the studies, of course only as add-on therapy, in addition to the best therapy currently used for their condition. According to Baranyi, this also means that if the treatment is successful,

Hungarian patients will be the first in the world to have access to life-saving treatments.

The researcher added that in Phase 3 of the clinical trials, the efficacy will already be tested in thousands, expected across Europe.

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