MTI is also more interested in a Hong Kong demo than SZFE


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

I’m interested

Typically, the state news agency that runs on Hungarian taxpayer money handled the demonstration in Budapest on Sunday, which was organized by students on duty in defense of their university and attended by at least 10,000 people in Budapest.

MTI only reported that a demonstration was held in the capital after the new SZFE board sent a statement to the news agency. In this, the table chaired by Attila Vidnyánszky complained that László Upor, who spoke at the beginning of the demonstration, had denounced postponing the start of the school year without informing the Board.

“The Board of Trustees of the Foundation for Theater and Cinematographic Arts was not notified by László Upor, vice-rector of SZFE, to postpone the start of the academic year at the university and extend the registration period,” the news agency said in half a sentence . But the news agency said nothing about who participated, how much and for what purpose. In addition, the MTI news only cited the announcement of the board.

The website of the public service news service,, announced three hours after the start of the rally, at the end of the rally, that the SZFE rally had started.

All this was reported in two lines, referring to the 24th, that is, the public service media group with a budget close to 90 billion did not consider the event significant enough to appoint an independent correspondent for it.

It is noteworthy that, meanwhile, the state news agency also reported on two other demonstrations involving thousands. For example, it has been reported in detail that thousands of people have protested in Hong Kong and clashed with the police over the postponed Legislative Council elections. They cited rhymes in the protest, they also wrote about the purpose of the movement and the motivation of the protesters.

The MTI reported in similar detail on Sunday afternoon that despite warnings from authorities, thousands of people had once again taken to the streets in Minsk to demand the departure of President Alexander Lukashenko, who had ruled Belarus since 1994. Here they also reported what the crowd was singing, and in a separate paragraph they even recalled similar movements in other cities.

Update, 19.43:

40 minutes after the publication of our article and an hour and a half after the end of the demonstration, the MTI finally reported on the demonstration, but according to the news, it is certain that no journalist was delegated to it, since the movement could be “ followed from the internet ”(!).

After the reconstruction of the events, attention was drawn to the fact that the crowd filled the Kossuth square, and the images showed that “despite the threat of an epidemic, many people handed over the document without gloves and in various parts from space the protesters did not follow the recommended distance. ”

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