Béla Merkely: The epidemic can break out in 3-4 weeks


The number of people infected with the coronavirus could be about twenty times more than the number of confirmed cases, about one hundred thousand people, that’s what Béla Merkely, rector of SOTE, speaks about in the ATV Weekly Journal.

It is impossible to defeat this virus with a single measure, said Béla Merkely, adding that it would make the use of the mask mandatory, for example. The more people use it, the more likely we will reduce the reproduction rate. Last week, that number topped two, meaning that at least as many people passed the virus on to an infected person.

The virus was not circulating during the first wave, but after introduction, the circulation of the infection was at least ten times that of the spring.

The actual number of confirmed infections is roughly twenty times. According to these, there may be around one hundred thousand patients in Hungary, she said in her ATV program.

The virus cannot be stopped with the edge lock

The coronavirus alone cannot be stopped by closing the borders, but Merkely would have closed the door sooner, but the Hungarians apparently did not want that. They were afraid of Croatia, and this fear was confirmed.

What has essentially changed since spring is that most people in their 20s and 30s now contract the virus. It takes time for the infection to spread from the young to the old.

The epidemic may break out, but the process may slow down

There may be more deaths overall than during the first wave, but it’s too early to tell. Merkely estimates that the numbers could explode in 3-4 weeks based on foreign examples, but we can slow down this process if we pay attention to older people.

Béla Merkely warned about the mask, hand washing, and polite distance.

However, according to the expert, it is not enough to evaluate only those who have symptoms. In the days after infection, before symptoms, Covid-19 can be transmitted more frequently. According to him, the main task is to keep schools stable and protect health care and social institutions – read on atv.hu.
