Index – National – The best Hungarian cheeses are already at the forefront of the world


On September 5 this year, a competition for the best artisan cheeses and dairy products from Hungary, the Cheese Pattern, was held at the Etyek Visitor Center in Etyek. This was already the eighth event of this type of the Cheesemakers Association, which due to the coronavirus epidemic this time missed the most anticipated outdoor events such as cheese lovers, where other times you can not only taste but fill your Homemade stock of the best domestic dairy products.

This year, the Cheese Pattern consisted of two programs, one was the regular cheese review and the other was a professional conference. The professionalism of the critic develops year after year, in a similar way to the aforementioned dairy product – introduced Imre Heged vices, vice president of the Association of Cheesemakers. The professional leader also said that Hungarian cheese judges were trained by the association and participate in professional trainings every month, and even increase their knowledge in international cheese competitions, such as Mikulov in the Czech Republic and the most important cheese competition in Paris. Imre Hegedűs also spoke about the fact that VIII. 100 items have been nominated for the cheese pattern and it is gratifying to see the quality of cheeses and dairy products continue to improve, so it is no coincidence that 6 gold, 9 silver and 10 bronze ratings were born in 2020.

A VIII. Cheese pattern Gold Rating: Tolbán cheese with homemade butter, Gábor Tóth with white cheese cream, Fundación Symbiosis with creamy Baráthegyi Cow Cheese cream, Jánosné Csontos with his parenyica and Arpád Ficsor peasant cheese racket and semi-cured cheese.

The member of the presidency also referred to the conference, about which he said that great care was taken in the organization and conduct to comply with the epidemiological regulations, and that it was also necessary to adapt to the closure of the border, so the speakers foreigners gave their presentations online. Professional topics such as curd cutting methods, the role of copper or cheese rind processing and the theory and practice of cheese ripening and market protection of dairy products were on the agenda.

Brewing with Belgian beers starts again at Pannonhalma

The Archabbey Brewery opened in Pannonhalma, and we saw what kind of beer was brewed in the most famous Hungarian monastery.
