Index – National – Provisional municipal elections are held in seven settlements


Today, provisional municipal elections are taking place in seven Hungarian settlements; call attention to the ITN. There are several of them that could not be maintained in the originally announced spring due to the emergency.

  • Csongrád-Csanád County In Kiszombor Due to the resignation of Ernő Szegvári (independent) Szegvári, who ruled the settlement for eighteen years, at the beginning of the year, there will be an interim mayoral election. Three independent candidates are running for mayor and around 3,200 people can vote in town.
  • Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Butter There will be an interim mayoral election because Sándor Tisza (independent), who had been in charge of the city until then, died in May. Five independent candidates are running for public office, with some 2,700 on the electoral roll.
  • Békés County In Zsadány There will be an interim mayoral election because Sándor Roland Marton, elected last October, resigned in February. Four will stand in the by-elections: three for independent and one candidate with the colors of Fidesz-KDNP. There are 1,120 on the list. The by-election would have been originally on April 26, with the same candidates.
  • Zala County Dobriban the former mayor, who has held the post since 2006, resigned with effect from the end of last year for personal reasons. There would have been a provisional vote in March, but in the absence of candidates, that election was lost. In the current vote, locals can choose between three independent candidates and 136 can vote in the ballot.
  • Győr-Moson-Sopron County In a planer there will be an interim mayor election because (independent) mayor Attila Kincse, who was elected last October, resigned. An independent candidate is running for mayor, with 65 on the electoral roll.
  • In the county seat of Nógrád, In Salgótarján In individual constituency number 3, a municipal representative is elected. The by-elections had to be called because the former representative, László Turcsány (Fidesz-KDNP), resigned in January for personal reasons and later left Fidesz. Four will start in Sunday’s vote: two each independently, one candidate for the Hungarian Workers’ Party and one for Salgótarján, I love it! Association-DK-Jobbik-LMP-MSZP-Dialogue-with the colors of the Association of Inhabitants of the City of Tarjáni. There are more than 2,700 on the electoral roll.
  • Komárom-Esztergom County In Dunaszentmiklós Two municipal representatives are elected, as two representatives resigned due to changes in working conditions in February, leaving the board below the number required to operate. One candidate will run for each of the two seats, both are independent, 407 voters in the agreement can vote for the candidates on the individual list.

To prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection, local election offices will place a hand sanitizer on the voting station, which voters can use when entering and leaving the voting station. Counting committee members wear a mask and ask voters to do the same. They are also asked to keep a distance of at least 1.5 meters from the other waiters in case of queuing and to carry a ballpoint pen to vote. Patients with reduced mobility, as with all elections, can now request a mobile ballot box from the canvassing committee no later than 12 noon on the day of the vote.

Book cover: Index Photographer: Huszti István
