The president of the medical chamber said the second wave could put greater pressure on medical care.


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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“We understand that in the second wave it is no longer possible to take such strict general measures by the government as in the first,” Gyula Kincses, president of the Hungarian Medical Chamber, told ATV. At the same time, it also means that the second wave will put a greater burden on the healthcare system.

That is why they called for a thorough preparation of the healthcare system in a letter sent to Ministers Miklós Kásler and Sándor Pintér on Friday. No response has been received yet, said Kincses, who said they had not been informed that even if Kassler’s ministry had not responded to them, a four-part notice had already been sent to the MTI stating that the chamber was “opening doors again. “and that the government has already shown that it” always took the right steps on time. “

In the spring, when the government introduced strict restrictions, 292 confirmed infections were identified at the peak of the epidemic in 24 hours, and most of those infected were residents of a nursing home on Pest Road. In contrast, now that the government just made a decision last week to ease restrictions on participants, more new infections have been identified for three days in a row and the epidemic is spreading in the community. In this regard, Kincses remarked that “now there is an emergency, there is a risk. We do not know that this is now a peak, it will sound after a while, and then it will attack again in October-November, or due to an exponential development, the health is already running. The more chances there are of a match, the strategy will decide. “

However, he also noted that while the dynamics of the increase in the number of cases is terrifying, “it is still not remarkably high in international terms.” Let’s say this is the last comparison. On average in the last week, 22 people infected per 100,000 inhabitants in Hungary in the last seven days, including 510 new confirmed cases pending today. In their proportions, they represent as many cases from the Netherlands, Austria and Russia, but, for example, from Italy and Great Britain, which were previously severely affected, and far fewer from our neighbors, Serbia and Slovakia. The situation is no longer so good with our other neighbors, with more cases reported in the Czech Republic and many more in Ukraine, Croatia and Romania.

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