Gábor Németh: For the attention of TGM – 444


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

I’m interested

The writer and screenwriter Gábor Németh, who together with the rest of the leaders of the University of Theater and Film Arts, resigned this Monday from his position as rector counselor, following the opinion article by Miklós Tamás Gáspár.

Gábor Németh at the August 31 demonstrationPhoto: botost / 444.hu

Dear 444 readers!

TGM treats the statements of the MTI Communication (!) As fact. I suggest you don’t believe them next time. I would like to draw attention to two little things.

1. The SZFE has not had a Senate since September 1, 2020.

2. László Upor made this statement in connection with the MTI announcement.


Gábor Németh, SZFE instructor

László Upor, who is the rector, wrote the following to his already linked statement:

You read, you saw what the world was like here. The epidemic is running out of publicity, the government is running out of newspapers. In this situation, our future has become more uncertain than at any other time in the last 7 years. If we want to continue, we must open a new chapter in the history of 444.

We persistently show what the world is like. Due to the shrinking Hungarian audience, it is now even more important to remain a reliable source of news in Hungary. Journalists who write the truth. To do this, however, with your help, we must change.

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