MOK President: The spread of the coronavirus epidemic in Hungary is alarming


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Speaking to the ATV newsletter, Gyula Kincses spoke about the fact that there is a ventilator in vain, if there is no doctor or assistant next to him, medical care must be transformed. However, the transformation of healthcare cannot be stabilized without salaries.

“Now there is an emergency, a risk. We do not know if this is now a peak that will come down after a while and then strike again in October-November, or due to an exponential development that is already reaching the healthcare system. There are more chances to call. This will decide the strategy ”, he explained in relation to the epidemic curve.

He stressed that the large-scale explosion was due to a lack of sense of danger. As he said, now the virus does not affect the elderly but the young.

According to the portal report, he added: the increase in the dynamics of the number of cases is terrifying, its numericality is not yet remarkably high at the international level.

EMMI responded to MOK’s announcement on Friday

The chamber issued a statement on the current epidemiological situation on Friday and urged immediate action in this regard.

The Human Resources Department responded in a statement Saturday. According to them, “the government has always taken the right steps on time.”

“The Government, operations personnel and EMMI are still constantly monitoring the evolution of the epidemic and we have taken and will take the necessary measures in a timely manner. In the media, both EMMI and NNK regularly emphasize the importance of the use of masks. and the Government has taken measures to monitor it. We also regulate the organization of mass events, and

we will take further action as soon as necessary

– the wallet promises.

Human Resources Minister Miklós Kásler, seeing the spread of the epidemic in Hungary, this week, before the MOK announcement, ordered healthcare providers to prepare 20 percent of their total number of beds for patients with COVID-19 instead of the current 10 percent. -Technical preparation is continuous, at the end of September a total of more than 14,000 devices will be delivered from AESE warehouses to hospitals, which will help care for patients with both COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 ” Remember the ministry. As is well known, Miklós Kásler was the first to report on the latest Portfolio instruction:

The portfolio also sends a message to hospital directors preparing for the annual professional congress. EMMI stated in the communication that it “calls on the presidency of the MOK and other health professional chambers to help protect the health of its members and their patients, drawing the attention of its members to the need for health professionals at mass events, such as various chamber events; the epidemiological risk of attending medical congresses “.

This concludes the statement: “For the government, the most important thing is to protect the life and health of the Hungarian people, and

epidemiological considerations have always preceded economic interests. “

Cover image source: MTI / Tamás Vasvári
