According to the head of government, it was suggested that the schools open only from October. In Romania, in addition, green government elections will be held at the end of September.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in the spring, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

In Romania, the number of newly identified coronavirus infections has risen again by more than 1,200 and the opening of schools for September 14 has become uncertain. According to Saturday’s report from the Strategic Communications Tribe, another 1,269 people have been diagnosed with the infection in the past 24 hours, slightly above the average for the past two weeks. Since Friday’s report, another 38 infected have lost their lives – that number is nearly 15% lower than the average for the past two weeks.

In Romania, the epidemic has so far claimed 3,850 victims and 40,000 of the almost 94,000 registered infections have been declared cured. There are currently 7,237 patients treated in the hospital, 476 of whom are cared for in an intensive care unit.

The uncertainty in the country was fueled by Prime Minister Ludovic Orban’s statement on Friday that it was suggested that schools would only open from October. The start of the school year, announced for September 14, would not be postponed, but education would begin online everywhere for the first two weeks, and teachers and students would return to classrooms only from October in settlements with low infection rates.

According to the Prime Minister, the proportion of infected who have returned from vacation is high, which prevents potentially infectious teachers and students returning from vacation from coming into contact with the school community immediately.

The other aspect is the organization of the municipal elections announced for September 27. This is because most polling stations are traditionally located in schools, so due to post-voting preparations and disinfection, educational institutions should be closed for a few days anyway. According to the Prime Minister, no decision has been made to postpone the opening of the school, at the moment, everyone is preparing for the opening scenario on September 14, and if something changes, it will be announced in time.

The opposition Social Democratic Party (PSD) assessed that the elections were more important to the right-wing head of government than the schools, and therefore foresaw that the parliament would also postpone the elections if the government decided to postpone the opening of schools.

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