The coronavirus spreads at an alarming rate, according to the president of the medical chamber


It should be noted that the second wave will put greater pressure on the health system

– He said Gyula kincses, President of the Hungarian Medical Chamber of ATV. He realizes, he added, that in the second wave it is no longer possible to take such strict general measures by the government as in the first, since the economy and the viability of the people are as much a consideration as health. For all these reasons, the Medical Room also requested a thorough preparation for health care in the letter it made Miklós Kásler and Sándor Pintér sent to ministers on Friday at noon. No reply has been received yet. Gyula Kincses, for his part, said they would surely respond, and the experience is that their requests for their epidemiological proposals do not often go unnoticed.

About the number of infected is now rising sharply, he said, according to an ATV report that

Now there is an emergency, a risk. We do not know if it is now a peak that will go down, after a while and then it will attack again in October-November, or due to an exponential development, it is already reaching the health system. The game is also one of multiple opportunities. This will decide the strategy.

According to him, the large-scale explosion is due to a lack of sense of danger. The increase in the dynamics of the number of cases is terrifying and their number is not yet remarkably high internationally.

Regarding the school, Gyula Kincses said that according to international experience, the global closure of schools would not be timely.

Top image: Gyula Kincses, president of the MOK. Photo: János Marjai /
