According to the government, this is also the second wave


“The second wave of the coronavirus epidemic has reached Hungary and, as in other countries, the number of infections is increasing again in Hungary,” the Ministry of Human Resources said.

The other day, we also wrote that the second wave, the first of September, the number of people infected with the coronavirus in the May peak, and the number of active cases has increased even more since then. At the moment, however, there are no traces of spring restrictions, even though the virus now seems faster than it did then.

Viktor Orban On August 29 he also said:

To stop the second wave of knocking on our door, we must make serious decisions

– the Prime Minister added that “we are still on time”, so far no stricter internal rules have been introduced than those applied in the summer, so it may be enough to close the borders to foreigners and quarantine Hungarians who they come back (until we have two negative coronavirus tests days apart).

The second wave is tight a week later, according to Emmi’s announcement, but there are no more restrictions yet.

As we wrote in the morning based on an article by Népszava, hospitals must be prepared to care for those infected as part of protecting their health. Miklós Kásler The Human Resources minister ordered healthcare providers to keep 20% of their total number of beds on hold, instead of the current 10%, so that these beds can be included in the care of COVID-19 infected patients if it is necessary.

The Minister specifically drew the attention of hospital managers to the fact that the implementation of the measure included in the instruction should not result in the dismissal of patients from the institution, since currently the occupation of beds is around the 53 percent.

According to data received from hospitals this morning, it is everywhere guaranteed that 20% of the total number of beds can be included in the care of COVID-19 infected patients if necessary. Currently, 120 coronavirus patients require hospital care, eight of whom are connected to ventilators.

Hospital managers have until Friday to inform the ministry that they have solved the task and verify for themselves that 20 percent of the institution’s beds are empty, Népszava wrote.

According to the newspaper, the situation is not as simple as Minister Kásler described it. The article put it this way, “There is a hospital manager whose emptying of beds is not a problem because only 60 to 65 percent of his beds are still occupied. Elsewhere, however, after September, institutions will no longer receive average funding, but performance funding, “they have filled beds and started operating rooms.”

According to a letter from Miklós Kásler, it is clear that the government does not want to repeat the fiasco of the spring when the evacuation of 36,000 hospital cases was ordered. Then, in the end, there were almost no coronavirus patients in the unoccupied beds, because Hungary survived the first wave well. True, experts say the move was far from excessive anyway.

According to Emmi, there are currently no restrictions on medical care, but it is still important to increase compliance with precautions by both healthcare professionals and patients.

Featured image: János Marjai /
