The government has modified the rules on border closures


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According to the information, the government summarized the experience of the entry restrictions that went into effect on September 1 and decided that the

For the proper functioning of the Hungarian economy, companies will henceforth be allowed to enter.

Clarified the tests carried out abroad regulations. On this basis, upon entry into Hungary, a PCR test carried out in a Schengen Member State was carried out recognized as equivalent to a national test.

The border blockade was also eased on a third point: a decision was made at the government meeting to impose strict conditions on admission to sporting events in Hungary. they also extend to cultural events. Regarding the spectators, it was written: The spectator of an international sporting event and cultural event to be held in Hungary can enter the country only if he has a negative result in the PCR test, has a ticket for the event and undergoes a health exam. You must also leave the country within 72 hours of entry.

They added: the exact regulations will be published in the Hungarian Gazette on Friday.

The current changes respond to key criticisms of the border closure. Regarding the strong entry restriction, it has been criticized from several places that it does not help much to the spread of the epidemic in Hungary, as it arrived late and is spreading through internal contact and not from abroad. That is why the benefits are not great, but the government immediately opted for an expensive solution, since the closure of the border completely disabled actors from various sectors. Allowing companies to enter can help a lot, for example in the case of hotels in Budapest. We do not know the details and much will depend on it: the commercial entrance can be defined in many ways. For example, employee travel between affiliated companies has been an exception until now.

The other change refers to the tests required to enter. The government (also by the EU) has been criticized, especially in favor of V4 countries, for the fact that the regulation is discriminatory, as it does not accept foreign evidence equally. Now the regulations have been evenly relaxed for Schengen countries, so for example Hungary accepts an Austrian test in the same way as a Czech one.

In the communication, the government also draws attention to the need to ensure the safety of the most vulnerable older people at the same time, keep school-age children safe and ensure the proper functioning of the economy. There is no specificity in the communication in this regard, but it is possible that the government is working on measures that affect the elderly and educational institutions.

The steps now are not a surprise, nor is their timing unexpected. In his radio interview this morning, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stated:

There will still be a government meeting today, where we will further refine the rules so that we can achieve as much freedom as possible with the necessary restrictions.

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