They demonstrated for the independence of the SZFE, for the freedom of education and culture


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

I’m interested

  • “There is a cobweb silence, but that silence must be broken by this community!” – said Gábor Iványi in the organized demonstration in front of SZFE.
  • “In recent years I have naively emphasized professionalism, but it has not been effective either,” said Nóra L. Ritók.
  • And Áron Molnár (NoÁr) said: “Look around you and understand, we can no longer listen.”
  • Vas Street is full of protesters.

The Asociación Caridad Protectora, led by Pastor Gábor Iványi, organized a solidarity demonstration on Friday night with students and professors from the University of Theater and Film Arts, who feared their autonomy.

Photo: botost /

The Church of Iványi, the schools maintained by the MET, which primarily educate disadvantaged children, withdrew a significant part of their state support before the school started, in parallel with the Igazgyöngy Foundation schools led by Nóra L. Ritók.

“This is the moment when we can’t listen anymore and we have to show on the street, we believe in free education and culture! SzFE protesting students assured us of their solidarity, let’s fight for them Let’s fight for all those who cannot defend themselves! Let’s speak out for those whose voices are not heard in Parliament! “

– appeared in the Facebook event description of the demo.

The first speaker was Gábor Iványi. The pastor spoke for the first time with the SZFE students, “who took a real risk” by defending their freedom.

Photo: botost /

Whoever does this can “count on the wrath of power, but that should not prevent us from speaking or acting,” Iványi said. He thanked the students for the courageous presentation, which he said will be “real Hungarian actors.” And for their teachers, they didn’t commit to working with people who would determine what they could teach.

“Meanwhile, universities, academics and the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference are listening, although this has already happened to them.”

“There is a cobweb silence, but that silence must be broken by this community!”


Photo: botost /

According to Iványi, the fact that students refused to join party politics in their movement should be a warning, a force that “awakens” for politicians to get much closer to the people: “they have to be on the street ”.

“In recent years I have naively emphasized professionalism, but it has not been effective either,” Nóra L. Ritók, director of the True Pearl Foundation, said at the rally. L. Ritok said it went through tremendous emotional heights and depths this week: first because it turned out that the state was withdrawing half of the foundation’s grants because people had raised the missing amount in two days. She thanked her for her solidarity. She does not understand decision-makers: the issue of generational poverty, she said, has been a burden on us since the regime change.

Power presses its own individual ideas on everything and everyone, he said.

Judge Kriszta, the Örkény Theater actress, said she was standing on the stage set up on busy Vas Street, “because I hate having to be here.” She was also a student at SZFE, “this university has made me who I am now, and now my son comes here for whom I am responsible.” She said, however, that she is proud that the university students also stand in solidarity with Gábor Iványi, the cause of the Igazgyöngy Foundation and the Dr. Ámbédkár school. “We are here with you, not in solidarity, you can only take money,” he said.

“They will already be part of the history books”

“Look around you and understand, we can’t listen anymore,” said Áron Molnár, actor noar, performer. “We need to unite because fantastic people who defend thousands of children are being beaten because they are civilians. It will be civil, in the same way that we have to withdraw our liberal, Jewish, gypsy and migratory words because politics has appropriated them, ”he said.

He called on those who remained silent after the attacks on the university to show solidarity, which could also take the form of donations to support Gábor Iványi in collecting lost state resources or organizing his movement in favor of the SZFE students.

According to actor Kriszta Szalay, SZFE students will already be part of the history books.

“Ahead!” – He said.

He urged the use of red and white striped ribbons to make it a symbol of solidarity in subsequent protests.

The demonstration officially ended just before 8 pm At the end, the university street, Vas Street, was completely packed, and there were also crowds on neighboring Stáhly Street. The protest against the attacks on the independence of the SZFE continues on Sunday with a live broadcast organized between the university and the parliament.

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