Miklós Kásler asked for more hospital beds


The minister ordered that extra beds be reserved for new infections.

Miklós Kásler banned sending patients home but instructed inpatient caregivers to reserve more empty beds, writes Népszava. In a letter, the minister ordered institutions to keep twenty percent of their beds ready to care for people infected with COVID-19 instead of the previous ten. The hospital directors have to give their opinion before Friday, they have solved the task, twenty percent of the beds are empty. This affects institutions differently.

There are hospitals where it is not a problem, but in other places, after they no longer receive average funding but performance funding, they have filled their beds and started operating rooms. In this places Falus Ferenc According to a former medical chief, the decision is practically a short-term admission of patients, and the fact that they cannot even send anyone home puts those responsible for the institutions in an irresolvable situation.

However, according to the newspaper, the minister’s caution coincides with the fact that, according to the National Center for Public Health (NNK), the concentration of the hereditary substance of the virus in wastewater is increasing again in several large cities (Békéscsaba , Budapest, Debrecen, Eger, Miskolc, Pécs, Székesfehérvár).

According to Népszava, Viktor Orbán’s hospital painting program also reduces the number of patients that can be treated. This series of reforms is now beginning in the hospitals of the capital. The General Directorate of Public Procurement and Supply (KEF) is already discussing where and what to repaint. The job is due to be finished by the end of next year, but rooms vacated by the time of painting will also erode the number of beds that can be used for healing.

Featured image: Bielik István / 24.hu
