Index – National – Coronavirus: Average age of new infections in Hungary is 26 years


During the spring wave, the average age of patients was 67, while during the current fall wave it was 26, the head of the epidemiology department at the National Center for Public Health (NNK) said on Friday morning. ) on the current channel M1.

Ágnes Galgóczi added that since people at risk fell ill in the spring, then went to the hospital and received treatment, the burden on the health system was much greater than now. New outbreaks are also emerging mainly in places that are mainly visited by young people, freshman camps, night clubs or weddings.

The specialist, according to the MTI news, drew attention to the fact that epidemiological norms must continue to be observed, and care must also be taken not to enter the community if someone notices symptoms. In response to a question, he indicated that samples taken from sewage suggest that the number of infected people will increase in Budapest and Debrecen.
