Kásler decided on his own authority to allocate HUF 500,000 to teachers working in disadvantaged areas, Viktor Orbán said on the Kossuth Radio morning show. It also turned out that there would be a government meeting on Friday where the details of the defense would be refined. Orbán said that it will be a more flexible, sophisticated and better adapted to reality.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in the spring, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

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Katalin Nagy asked Prime Minister Viktor Orbán almost exclusively about protection against the coronavirus on Friday morning on Kossuth Radio. The conversation started with the number of new infections above 300 for several days, this appears to be the second wave of the covid epidemic, and then asked what the government should do if there would be enough hospital beds if the virus got rid of it. (by the way repeated several times during the conversation).

According to Orban, there are always those who are worried, but there are also those who act. He thanked Miklós Kásler and Sándor Pintér, who prepared for the second “victory over the first wave”.

Fully armed, we are waiting for the second wave of the virus. We are smarter than we were, in part because we have experience. In March, we “just looked out of our heads” to see what could start with that.

said the Prime Minister. In addition to the experience, he also highlighted the national consultation, which he said was returned by 1.7 to 1.8 million people, but did not announce its result in the program.

He could not be very satisfied with the answer, he came across the role of the government in this situation, and also points out that now the average age of those infected is 31 years and the proportion of people treated in the hospital has not increased, but it is to fear that the average age will increase. and it also reaches the elderly.

According to Orbán, there are three important things: saving lives, which means protecting the elderly, ensuring the functioning of schools and reactivating the economy, because it will be a big problem if we have to stop again.

The Prime Minister emphasized the responsibility of young people in the program, asking them to adapt to the situation, to follow the few rules they need, because the lives of the elderly are now in their hands.

Will there be enough hospital beds if that happens? We have developed great capacities, we have also performed the exercises – says Orbán. In the spring there was a debate about how many hospital beds should have been emptied. Medical care has undergone a test in the spring, so we know what to do in the most acute situation. “With a bit of exaggeration, we know fans by name,” we know what it is and where, and we already have our own production capacity. The vaccine has yet to wait, “you don’t see any reassuring news.”

It also asks for tests, saying that more than 440,000 tests have already been carried out, although there are those who wait for more tests. It’s understandable that if you knock on the door with a problem, you start brainstorming. Everyone has an idea of ​​how to run the tests, and that’s not a problem, but Orbán says it’s important not to rush. It is “hitting” the WHO protocol, which incorporates knowledge from many countries as they move forward. The tests are carried out in accordance with international standards.

“Let’s not underestimate our own successes,” according to Orbán, Hungary’s most successful defender. It starts from the number of deaths, measuring the success of the defense in human lives. In Sweden, 10 times more people die than at home, in countries with better manners, the disease is harvested better, so it is important to pay attention to which part of the protection system we are changing. There is a good system according to Orbán, which has worked so far. Before we innovate on it, we must think three times whether to change it so as not to join the club of low performers. “Don’t cut a hole in the shield.”

He then asks Great about travel restrictions. An exception has been made to the border blockade for residents of V4 countries, which according to the EU is discrimination. Orbán understands the reasoning of the bureaucrats in Brussels, but they need to understand that deep epidemiological cooperation has developed between the four countries. Relations with each country must be based on its in-depth knowledge of epidemiological measures.

There is a debate in Hungary about whether to defend within or near borders, which he says is not a very smart debate. In-country spread must be suppressed and supply lines closed. There are exceptions because you have to live, transit traffic works, you can cross the border for sporting events. We are not wine writers closing the door on themselves, we have introduced a new system. There will be a government meeting on Friday morning, now the system will be further refined. As much freedom as possible with all the important restrictions – that’s the address. A serious team is working to get to the exact details of the restriction.

Self-confidence is also important in politics, Brussels can say what it wants and in a few days they will do what we do, says Orbán. Nor will they be able to control the epidemic if there is no new practice at the borders.

As they continue with the start of the school year, many dilemmas have arisen, says Nagy. What is the government’s position on how many infected children need to switch to online education? In the spring, a general rule was established for all schools. Two or three lines of defense had to be built against an unknown opponent. As you can see, not all settlements show the virus, so there should be no general rule of thumb. The interruption of teaching is decided at the central level. They will look at each case, if necessary, they will individually switch to digital education, but this will not be everywhere. Here also comes a more flexible, more sophisticated and more realistic defense. As modern as digital education sounds, it is not as good as a face-to-face. He sees that teachers are bolder, they do not want to give up teaching when personal teaching can still be done.

The doctors received a lump sum on July 1, and now in September, the education government will also thank the teachers who worked on deportation for their work. Does the government plan to continue recognition with other social groups? The government asks. Orban was also surprised by the decision, Kásler made it on his own. Congratulations, but surprised. Get into an old debate dating back to 1990 and even earlier. There have been a lot of internal debates about why, if they get support, why not … this is not a systemic solution, we have to get back to that.

The topic comes from the Bled forum, quoting Orban, “Europe is in trouble.” Do you see this on both sides of Europe? You see, of course, but now you are talking a little strange about it, everyone is fascinated by defending themselves from the virus, the sensitivity to strategic matters is not too sharp and strong. It cannot escape from the seed stalk, people think differently. But if you’ve asked Big, he’ll tell you where investment in the entire world economy came from 15 years ago, with 81 percent coming from the West and the rest from the East. It’s been 15 years, with 58 percent coming from the East. The trend is clear, there is a change in the world, adapting to it is the greatest intellectual challenge in your work, facing it for several hours a day. Europe cannot say where it will be ten years later. All processes are faster than previously thought. The answer at the European level is “we have to solve the big problems”, we can get involved. We can do our own homework and Central Europe is in a very good position. In 10 years, Poland will be the new Germany of Europe – Orbán concludes the interview.

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