According to the mayor, the second wave requires more precise planning and balanced information. He ordered a ban on visits to nursing homes.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in the spring, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

It’s time to warn: fending off the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic requires a new and different approach on the part of decision makers. More consideration, more precise planning, balanced information. And some examples “

– wrote Gergely Karácsony on Facebook on Thursday. The mayor said: “There are worrying figures and forecasts, and not only for Budapest.”

Christmas also wrote that today there is no one in their nursing homes who has caught the infection, “but it is not certain that they continue to be so. As far as we know, the first wave was largely an institutional infection, the virus could also enter nursing homes from hospitals, but in the second wave, in addition to hospitals, there is a serious risk that visitors or those who work there can enter the infection. We do two things against this:

Although we know that in many cases it creates difficult situations in life, we were forced to impose a ban on visiting nursing homes. And we are constantly filtering not only care, but also employees. “

Coronavirus is also more devastating as a hospital infection than ever

Of the domestic deaths from coronavirus, 260 were diagnosed as nosocomial infections, which is an outstanding number not only on its own, but also compared to previous data on nosocomial infections. It is not just a Hungarian phenomenon, but what can be done to control the epidemic in the event of a possible second wave.

Referring to the statements of the scientists, the mayor also writes that infected people may soon appear in Hungary on the order of a thousand, “and I do not quite understand why such model calculations and the tasks that arise from them are not part of the official information. .

Municipalities still do not receive information on which to base their actions. It would be good to trust that in the second wave of the epidemic, political campaigns will be replaced by a balanced flow of information ”.

– wrote the mayor, who sent a letter to Human Resources Minister Miklós Kásler in mid-August to ask him what he is doing, what the government plans to keep hospital infections under control, but Christmas has not received a response since then.

For the sake of balanced information, it would also be nice to have an explanation of some of the government’s steps regarding the border closure. Not to make it appear that the exceptions are being distributed on a political basis. Because while the border blockade puts many tens of thousands of Hungarians working abroad in an almost desperate situation, we are giving an exception to the Visegrad countries where the number of cases is up to three or four times higher ”.

The mayor also wrote that the government must rethink the procedure for free trials, and “for us in Budapest, our options and reservations allow us to evaluate our colleagues working in high-risk jobs. In our own institutions we have thousands of tests reserved in preparation for the second wave, so far we are conducting 24,000 tests, and in the near future we will carry out 12,000 tests.

But more evidence is needed at the national level. However, to do that, the government should reconsider its approach until now. “

According to Christmas, the other important task is to observe and comply with safety regulations: wear a mask, keep your distance, continuous disinfection, comply with hygiene requirements. It all depends mainly on us, he said. “Unfortunately, the experience in Budapest also shows that discipline is loosening, right now, when it is most needed. I understand when many are tired of the permanent rules, but that has not saved anyone from their own individual responsibility ”.

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