For a faster crossing.

To cross more quickly, in addition to the currently open border crossings, travelers can use new ones starting at 5 a.m. on Sept. 5, police said on their website Thursday night.

According to the information

  • The Kétvölgy-Cepinci crosses to Slovenia,

  • To Austria, Lower Lower Neumarkt, Saint Petersburg-Eberau, Bozsok-Rechnitz and Zsira,

  • To Slovakia, Vámosszabadi-Medved’ov, Esztergom-Štúrovo, Letkés-Salka, Balassagyarmat-Slovenske Darmoty, Nógrádszakál / Ráróspuszta-Ráros, Somoskőújfalu-Satorska Bukovinka, Tornyoshelymeti-hostti.

You can get information on border crossings and transit routes currently open on the police side.

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