Many parents have now faced the harsh refugee sentences in an eighth grader’s workbook.


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

I’m interested

In September, it is always an interesting parenting experience to look through the textbooks received to see what they consider important to convey to the children of the center.

Writer Éva Péterfy-Novák was also surprised that this is in the eighth grade students’ geography workbook:

Although the task is a discussion in which students can decide which of the example sentences they think is real and which is harmful, in any case, the six 5 statements could even be direct quotes from the public media or from a politician from Fidesz:

  • They take jobs from us.
  • They will lead a criminal lifestyle.
  • It is our moral duty to help our fellow men who are in the most vulnerable position.
  • They transmit diseases.
  • May Europe remain European!
  • They come here because they don’t have to work here.
Photo: Textbook Catalog

When the workbook was still fresh, experimental (in 2016), we had already taken care of the previous task. Then we also contacted the Institute for Educational Research and Development to see if there was a key formal solution to the task of having a teacher evaluate student responses.

“The objective of the task is not to teach a ready-made answer, but to be a starting point for the topic to be circumscribed, establish critical thinking, initiate discussions, teach and practice reasoning techniques.”

When asked what kind of guidance they give teachers if there is no official color code, it was written that

“You can use or leave the notebook task in the teacher’s own pedagogical work, its solution is not mandatory.

Acquiring the competence and ability of critical thinking is one of the goals of textbooks. At the same time, there is little to do with the textbook, the methods of the educator and the work in the classroom and beyond, which are essential to form critical, responsible and active citizens ”.

So parents can ask at home when the workbook is 9-10. next to the class how was the discussion.

Anyone who wants to dive into the workbook can find it here. There is another text interpretation task before the previous task. Surprisingly from an Index article. I mean, from the old Index.

Photo: Textbook Catalog

We also request the solution key for this at that time. It is false, for example, that refugees leave their homes in the hope of higher wages and attracted by benefits from developed European countries (such as unemployment benefits).

The responses show that the Libyan authorities are not helping the refugees to reach Europe as soon as possible and that someone accompanied by their family is more likely to leave. Kids trained in public television and M1 experts can easily go wrong.

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