The buyer of a web store acquired the goods through shell companies, criminal organizations


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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Forty-two people and nine companies have been charged with tax evasion as suppliers of an online store, the Attorney General’s Office said in a statement.

According to the indictment in the case initiated in 2017, a man who worked as a representative coordinating purchases and sales worked for a company that operated a high-traffic web store. The man contacted and agreed with organized criminal groups that specialized in committing budget fraud, operated multilevel corporate chains of domestic and foreign companies and paid him a bribe in exchange for the criminal relationship.

The companies were registered in the name of “stromans”, mostly Hungarians abroad, who had no callable assets, and the documents related to the establishment or transfer of the company were signed exclusively for money.

The chains acquired goods from the European Union, mainly technical items, which were later sold in the country, but avoided their obligation to pay VAT through illegal maneuvers. The webshop acquired some of its product groups through the company chains, however, the managers of the company that operates the webstore did not know, they did not realize that the invoices contained false content.

The defendants caused a total of more than HUF 5 billion in material damage to the Hungarian budget, for which they paid no taxes.

The Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office has also prosecuted forty-two defendants for criminal fraud in a criminal organization, causing particularly significant material damage, and prosecuted nine companies in the Metropolitan Court, in their accusation.

The most serious of these crimes is punishable by law from five to twenty years in prison.

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