There is a Hungarian city where the rules for wearing a mask have been tightened.


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In his informative exhibition held in the courtyard of the City Hall, László Papp justified the measure with the continuous increase in the number of infected.

According to Inside all institutions (theaters, puppet theaters, cinemas, museums, libraries) it is mandatory to wear a mask that covers the mouth and nose, if someone does not have a mask, they will be provided with protective equipment at the place of the city ​​stock.

In order to ensure the special safety of children, measures have also been taken to ensure that only one class can participate in cultural programs at a time, in which case masking and measuring body temperature are mandatory, added the Mayor, adding that they can attend school pedagogical sessions organized by cultural institutions. communities, decide the heads of the institutions.

László Papp said that a difficult period ensues in which it is important for the city to guarantee the functioning of its institutions, but safety, health and prevention are primary considerations, so what needs to be done is analyzed daily, taking into account the epidemiological situation.

The mayor indicated that he took the initiative of the handball matches in future, visitors should be required to wear masks throughout the Nagyerdei Stadium, which hosts football matches.

Top image: Debrecen on August 20, 2020. Source: MTI / Zsolt Czeglédi
