The coronavirus epidemic has changed in Hungary –


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Cecília Müller added: the data must be analyzed,

But while the spring epidemic affected the elderly with chronic diseases, today it has changed significantly.

The average age of newly infected people is around 30, the national medical director noted.

Therefore, the responsibility of young people is increasing in these weeks, the possibility of the virus spreading in the community is greater in this age group he pointed. As he said, young people may not realize that they can get sick, they feel less at risk of infection because they have little or no symptoms of the disease, but they can transmit the virus.

Therefore, Cecília Müller asked young people to act responsibly.

Mathematician Gergely Röst first spoke about the antecedents of the rising autumn epidemic in an interview with Portfolio. She stressed that we are now seeing the spread of the epidemic among members of the younger generation.

“The median age of the cases in April was still 69, which is now 31, which means that half of the cases are under the age of 31. This is similar to what happened in Florida, which is a Not very worrying. There was also a period when the number of cases increased, but the number of hospitalizations and deaths is not. As a result, they were less concerned about the increase in the number of cases. However, five weeks after the increase in the number of cases, there was also an increase in the number of deaths “, warned the expert. Gergely Röst also told us that “the current wave also differs from the spring in that, although at that time a significant part of the cases could be attributed to institutions (hospitals, social homes), currently community spread dominates”. There are many more cases in the community now than in March-April, she said.

We can do it ourselves against the epidemic.

He emphasized the need to continue to comply with epidemiological norms and recommendations: distance, use of a mask in public transport and in confined spaces, as well as regular hand washing, hand disinfection, disinfection of frequently used common surfaces.

The national chief medical officer stressed that responsible behavior by the population could prevent national measures that “greatly hampered our lives in the spring” from having to be reintroduced.

Top image: A health worker dressed in a protective suit directs a statistician who plays the role of a patient suspected of having a coronavirus infection to the isolation room in the clinic of the epidemiological deployment unit in the block Kútvölgy of the New St. John Hospital and Clinic in Budapest on August 27, 2020. Source: MTI / Zoltán Balogh
