Index – Economy – Tax-free money can go to head office


Representations of both employer and employee are satisfied with the new head office regulation, the text is now final: Magyar Nemzet found out. If MPs vote on the amendment, the most important change is that the law leaves both the workplace and the number of working days away from the workplace to individual agreement between employer and employee. That is, the employer could not unilaterally order work from home, even if the epidemic is gathering momentum. However, employees can also apply to the home office as its popularity is likely to remain after the emergency has passed.

If this option is chosen, the company can provide a tax-free allowance to cover Internet service and utility charges. According to the plans, the rate would be 10 percent of the current minimum wage per month, which is currently HUF 16,100. With the help of compensation, the employee would not have to pay the price of gas, electricity and water consumed during his working day out of his own pocket.

The amendment also regulates the framework for working conditions and safety. It remains the general rule that the employer must provide the devices (such as phones, laptops, and other smart devices) that are essential to the performance of their duties. According to the draft, the employer can control the work, but only through digital devices if the subordinate does not use her own devices.

The social partners are also satisfied with the new head office rules, although they believe that health and safety issues still need to be clarified on some points. For example, if an employee has an accident while working but at home, it would also be considered an accident at work. However, establishing this is not an easy task and the law would make it the responsibility of the employer to ensure the safety of work from home.
