Index – Domestic – The woman behind Marco Rossi


I haven’t seen Marcó for almost a month, he’s terribly missing, he traveled back to Budapest on August 10, I don’t know if there is a marriage like ours in the world, I’m as in love with him today as when he came to us in February 1987, and our eyes met. I immediately whispered, it was not a fairy tale, I even tried to make fun of my parents, who were intolerant Catholics, and I said categorically that there was no sex before the wedding!

Of course, thirty-three years ago, I was twenty years old, working my first job, in Pozzuoli, at the travel agency Averno Travel. Players of the local soccer team, Campania Puteolana, always bought their plane tickets from us, and Marco played there for 33 years.

The travel agency was near our apartment, we are deep-rooted Pozzuolians, this settlement actually belongs to Naples, at that time Sophia Loren also lived here, she is the most famous inhabitant of our city. There were four of us, and fortunately we are still brothers, three girls, a boy, I was born for the last time on February 8, 1967. Dad died early, at the age of 59, his mother, her name is Cira, a strange name, continues Alive, 87 years old, well, thank God.

So February 1987 … Marco bought his plane ticket to Turin, because it is real, to Druento, to Turin like Budapest, let’s say, Kispest. Marco is a true north of Italy, I am a true south, the two Italians couldn’t be more different, but we had one thing in common, and that’s what brought us together: we love humor. When we start talking, we immediately burst out laughing, and to this day this good humor characterizes our marriage. Marco called me for dinner, I didn’t have to say it twice, even though I had been with a boy for four years.but our relationship was dying and Marco couldn’t resist anyway. I broke up with my old suitor and gave myself wholeheartedly to this new relationship, as he only dates a twenty-year-old girl. Marco didn’t know Pozzuoli very well, I took him around the city like some kind of travel agency girl, I showed him everything, the Roman monuments, the Campi Flegrei heat source, the wonderful beach, I took her to Ischia, it was months fantastic.

But unfortunately he called Catanzaro and Marco was because the offer was promising for a young 23-year-old footballer. I ran at nights, I thought it was all over but suddenly Marco appeared in our apartment, rolled on the four hundred kilometer turbo Fiat Uno, which separates Catanzaro from Pozzuoli.

By then, I already knew that our love could not be surpassed by distance. Neither was the theft of the Fiat Uno turbo, grabbing a Lancia Thema instead and traveling between Catanzaro and Pozzuoli. Then it contracted north to Brescia, which was a thousand kilometers, from there the journey was a bit uncomfortable, then We got married on June 27, 1989. The wedding was in Pozzuoli, we went to Mexico for our honeymoon.Four days in Mexico City, Tenochtitlán, and then ten days in Cancun, on the Caribbean coast, it was like a dream. Who would have thought that Mexico City would be our place to live in a few years?

But for now, we were still living in Brescia, and Simone was born on November 3, 1992. Anyone who sees it today, the water polo player Ortigia Hercules, the pride of one of our families, would not believe how dramatic my pregnancy and the first year of Simone’s young life were. Before Simone was born, I was so bad for forty days that I almost died in it, the doctors said that caesarean section could not be used, and after the birth of my son, for a year, everything was bad for the poor, until which was finally okay. And today? It is like a statue of David.

Then Gaia, our daughter, arrived on December 18, 1996. I had already traveled half the world in my belly. She was conceived in Mexico City, then we spent a few days there again, but in the meantime Marco was already a player at Eintracht Frankfurt and Gaia was born in Pozzuoli. He is now in his last year at university, studying communication, and graduating as a two-year teacher. He still lives with us, we are still in Acciaroli, fifty kilometers from Naples, on the beach. We are always on vacation here, there is a heat wave even in September, I go out the door of our house and I am already at sea. Only Marco is missing …

But how do we get to Budapest? It’s all thanks to Pippo, his sincere name is Giuseppe Giambertone, and he’s a fantastic innkeeper, but an even more fantastic friend. When Marco played in Frankfurt in 1996, we always had dinner at his restaurant, but Marco did not tell Pippo that he was a player for the local Bundesliga team. He found out from the newspaper, from a party report, who we were. This modesty impressed me so much that it became a lifelong friendship.

Let’s jump to 2012. Marco simply didn’t have a job, Pippo already lived in Pest, his was the Millennium di Pippo restaurant in Andrássy út, and he was telling Marco there was a job for him. He was joined by Fabio Cordella, the then sports director of Honvéd, and eight years ago Marco started working for Mr. Hemingway. The rest already know In 2017, they won the championship.

Now comes a confession: After Naples, Budapest is my favorite city.. I also died a bit when in 2017 Marco moved to Dunaszerdahely, the club rented us a flat in Bratislava, but after a month I got depressed, I couldn’t take it anymore, I moved home to Pozzuoli. The sun of Italy and the charm of Pest were missing.

But how interesting, as much as I didn’t feel good in Bratislava, how great Oscar is! You know, Oscar Secular, the owner of the DAC. We talk a lot, he is a great owner, he does everything for his employees, he treated Marco not as a subordinate but as a friend. We also didn’t have a bad relationship with Mr. Hemingway, but we always kept within three steps of him. And he too, of us … It is no coincidence that he is speaking of the world as an Oscar, dominating Hemingway …

Marco has been the federal captain of the Hungarian national team for more than two years, and this is where I have to describe: we owe everything to Hungary. That Marco now matters to someone in the world of international football. And he will never forget it, he has repeatedly said that he will not leave here unless he is fired. Although I had greasy offerings from Arabia, I can be trusted …

This match in Turkey is here on Wednesday, for the League of Nations, I got the name from a Russian website, there I can watch the match on the broadcast, because of course Rai does not broadcast.

Yes, I still remembered something that was very important to me. We created a charity two years ago, Africa Intesta is his name and we help orphaned children in Tanzania. We organize concerts, we build a village with the proceeds in the town of Bunda in Mwanza province, where we take care of orphaned children who are exiled from society. Many of them are albinos and would be killed by superstitious locals because they believe that the little pigmented ones are the children of the devil. I have been there twice as a volunteer, I always cry a lot, this job is so moving. As they cling to us, these unfortunate blows!

It is very bad to be away from my husband, this coronavirus epidemic is terrible, although for us, in southern Italy, it was far from being as serious as before in Lombardy. But I can’t travel to Hungary, maybe only in October, of course, if the situation improves.

Luckily I already have a routine in love at a distance …

(Cover Image: Mariella Moccia)
