Change: a security guard robbed a customer in a store in Győr


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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A security guard robbed a customer from a store in Győr in January this year, according to a statement from the Győr District Prosecutor’s Office on Tuesday.

The security guard on duty noticed that there was a pile of money in a nylon bag at one of the shoppers in the store, from which that person took out a twenty thousand bill to pay with it.

The security guard then phoned one of his acquaintances to meet in front of the store. Together, they noticed that a customer was leaving the store trying to get to his car, an acquaintance of the guard followed him to the car, and there, while packing in the trunk, he said: “Boss, your left front wheel is lowered.”

When the victim got behind the wheel, the robber took the money bag, which contained 650 thousand forints in cash and the client’s documents, bank card and telephone. And with the valuables he returned to the security guard, with whom they entered the store’s bathroom.

The victim, unaware that the guard was involved in the robbery, even asked the security guard for help, but he only pointed out the loss of documents to the security service.

It was already revealed during the police investigation that the guard took him home and hid the 650 thousand guilders behind a closet in the children’s room of his house. The prosecution accuses him and his partner of classified robbery, for which he could face up to five years in prison.

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