It was announced for three days, there will be a strike for a few hours in the municipalities


Starting today, municipal workers announced a three-day strike, more precisely the Hungarian Union of Civil Servants, Public Employees and Public Service Workers (MKKSZ). In your call two weeks ago several arguments were listed, which we reported on.

Sándor Pintér the interior minister has now responded to your suggestion. According to the minister, although local governments perform many public tasks, they receive the necessary state resources and they themselves have significant reserves, writes Népszava. More than 30,000 civil servants work in the municipal offices. According to Pintér, the municipalities decide on their own budgets. At the same time, it is undeniable that the government expected them to cooperate to combat the epidemic, continues the union president. To Pedro the Wine Directed letter, which ends with the message that in an epidemic situation there is no place to separate, to increase tension.

However, there will be none of the announced large three-day strike, with workers striking for only a few hours in various locations.

Featured image: Budapest, October 25, 2019 Ms. Péterné Boros, President of MKKSZ at a press conference held at the Danubius Hotel Flamenco on October 25, 2019, during the recess of the Budapest Municipal Work Table. Next to him is Klaus Heeger, Secretary General of the CESI. MTI / Koszticsák Solid
