Index – National – Hungary did not receive a red rating from Belgium


One of our readers drew our attention to the fact that our article based on the MTI information that Hungary would have received a red rating from Belgium is incorrect: Hungary has entered the red zone in such a way that Belgium’s entry to Hungary is banned, according to September 1. step edge. Therefore, those coming from Hungary are not warned, but those who would travel to Hungary.

Thanks to our reader for drawing your attention, you can see more related information by clicking here.

Belgium has declared Hungary a high-risk red-classified country for the coronavirus epidemic, meaning that non-essential travel to Hungary is prohibited, according to information published on the website of the Belgian Foreign Ministry on Tuesday. .

Write MTI.

According to information from the Ministry Belgium requires mandatory quarantine and virus testing for those from high-risk countries.

According to the Belgian-language news portal The Brussels Times, those who return to or enter Belgium within 48 hours of the publication of the updated classification are subject to the obligations of the previous classification for the country of departure of their trip.

However, virus testing and voluntary home quarantine are also recommended.

From an epidemiological point of view

In addition to Hungary, the list of high-risk countries includes Andorra, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Spain, and certain regions of Great Britain, as well as Denmark, Finland, Malta, and Romania.

The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) improved its epidemiological classification in Belgium on Tuesday. It was light orange in color, which meant it was epidemiologically risky but less serious in terms of infection. The reason for the classification valid as of September 1 is that the number of infected per 100,000 inhabitants has fallen below 60, to 56.1 in the country of about 11.5 million inhabitants.

The infection rate has dropped

The Belgian National Institute of Public Health According to a report published on Tuesday, the infection rate in Belgium continues to fall. On average during the last week

431 people tested positive for the virus, a 12 percent decrease from the previous week.

Number of hospital deliveries It fell 41 percent, to an average of 14.4 per day. There are currently 243 people in care, 71 of whom receive intensive care. Both show a significant decrease. The daily average of deaths from the disease was 4, 44 percent less than the previous week.. So far, 9,895 have been victims of the epidemic and 85,236 people have registered in Belgium since its inception.
