Attila Vidnyánszky: From the first moment, the university leadership did not want to accept anything


From the first moment, the university management did not really want to accept anything that would have been important for the change.

He said Attila Vidnyánszky the ATV Direct talk on his show Tuesday night in response to the question of whether there was so much resistance towards him, had he not thought of retiring.

According to Vidnyánszky, recently elected president of the Board of Trustees of the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts, the senate and the students of the institution had the opportunity for dialogue and negotiation, which they did not take advantage of.

Over the weekend, it became clear that the board of directors headed by Vidnyánszky would abolish all essential elements of the autonomy of the SZFE, that is, the main decision-making body of the university.

  • cannot decide on its own rules,
  • you can’t interfere with the budget,
  • cannot adopt your institutional development plan,
  • you cannot elect the rector of the university,
  • He does not have the right to independently appoint institute directors and department directors to start classes.

According to the director of the National Theater, this is perfectly legal, the Board of Trustees was properly established and only throughout this is there the possibility of change within the institution.

Egon Rónai declaration that this is a dictatorship over the university, Vidnyánszky replied that it was not a dictatorship,

but it creates a compulsion for dialogue. (…) If the university listened a little, that there is no intention to make the existing thing disappear, but to rebuild something completely different in parallel.

According to Vidnyánszky, the university operates in a closed system, which has already indicated:

unfair in many ways, separated from part of the profession in many ways.

When asked if those who now teach at SZFE can take his class, Vidnyánszky answered yes, then added that no one would retaliate because he had resigned from his leadership position. However, according to Vidnyánszky, the Senate did not resign, at least it has not yet received any official document on the matter.

There was also talk that other classes would start, with different ideas, and perhaps a professional dialogue would begin. What ideas are involved, Vidnyánszky said,

To György Karsai (theater historian, SZFE instructor – ed.) I will never be able to explain what a nation, and a homeland, Christianity is because it is unable to accept what I think. […] I would approach training with a different way of thinking, and I’m not even saying that others need to take care of that.

According to Vidnyánszky, this approach has not been present in the institution until now, because whoever would have represented it Imre Kerényi, had to get out of college.

It is a way of living the country, the everyday, our present, our future and does not take up space

Explained the counselor, president of the board of directors.

Featured image: János Marjai /
