There are already 21 deaths in Hungary from a psychoactive substance called toro


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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There are already 21 dead in Hungary from the psychoactive substance mentioned in the press only as a bull, Ibolya Csákó, Police Lieutenant Colonel, said at 24 o’clock.

The new type of psychoactive substance in Chinese laboratories is much stronger than most similar substances that also wreak havoc in the country. According to the article, most of the deaths occurred in Budapest, but Borsod was also particularly affected, with deaths also occurring in Fejér, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nógrád and Tolna counties.

The bull first appeared in the press when it was revealed in mid-August that he was responsible for the deaths of 11 people. At the time, the police reported that most of the deceased had been drug users in the past, were tired before they died, complained of heart pain, shortness of breath, had a seizure before death, and were furious. in several cases. The youngest dead was 23 years old and the oldest 36 years old.

Similar designer drugs are mainly prevalent in the segregated and the poorest, since powders mixed with chemicals of unknown composition can be obtained very cheaply. According to the document, addicts know more and more about the substance: It is a strong neurotoxin that causes a coma-like state and damages the brain with each use.

In one case, police are already investigating a wrongful death in Tolna County: a merchant was caught, one of whose customers died from consumption.

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