Therefore, the government does not accept foreign evidence from returning Hungarians.


Several members of the government, so Wolf Örsnek I also had to quarantine afterwards Istvan Hollik The coronavirus test was positive. A spokesman for the Government Information Center told ATV Straight Talk that if his second test was negative, it would end his quarantine, although he noted that he was not prepared for it.

Örs Farkas said he had a long conversation with Hollik at the event and also revealed that he had paid for the tests. The question of whether or not you consider it unfair that you have to pay for the tests Gergely Gulyás He cited his statement on Friday, who indicated at the time that he would bear the cost of testing for those subject to the contact investigation as of Sept. 1.

On the fact that Hungarians returning abroad are not accepted for tests, the spokesperson said that this is all because there is no accredited system in the world, and you can hear a lot about the tests that are carried out with different methods and thoroughness. Therefore, Hungary only accepts tests that are accredited in Hungary.

In addition, Örs Farkas revealed that there have been abuses around the tests in the recent period, so the government has decided to toughen up.

Featured image: János Marjai /
