László Nagy’s virus test is positive, that’s why he missed Veszprém’s match


In the M4 Sport Handball magazine, Dr. Zoltán Csík, CEO of Telekom Veszprém, revealed that the club’s former player, as well as its current sports director, László Nagy, had been infected with the corona virus. That is why the team missed the preparation match against Kiel scheduled for Sunday, which, in addition to Nagy, would have been the farewell match for Ilom Momir, Nándor Fazekas and Árpád Sterbik.


László Nagy was infected with the coronavirus (Photo: Attila Török)

The Bakony club announced this Saturday that the possibility of contagion had arisen in the wider environment of the team, so the preparation match against Kiel scheduled for Sunday will be missed, which would have been László Nagy’s farewell match. , Ilics Momir, Nándor Fazekas and Árpád Sterbik. Now it turned out that the sports director was concerned, whose first test was positive.

László Nagy is at home, asymptomatic, he feels fine. Zoltán Csík also revealed that after the positive test result, they thought about holding the meeting without Nagy, but then decided to postpone it.

“It’s celebrated, how could I have celebrated a gala about him without him?” Asked the CEO of the Veszprém club.

The Veszprém players requested the test again on Monday morning; there is no news on the results yet, so it is not yet known if the team can travel to Zadar (Zadar) for the four finalists of the SEHA League.
