Index – National – Hospitals do not receive visits, the list of institutions that prohibit visits is long


As the number of coronavirus illnesses increases day by day, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Hospitals and the Teaching University Hospital introduce a total ban on visits to all their member hospitals The institution said Monday.

Measure it affects the Jósa András de Nyíregyháza Training Hospital and its Sóstói út site, as well as all the healing departments of the Nagykálló, Fehérgyarmat, Mátészalka and Vásárosnamény member hospitals.

He also ordered a ban on visits. Balassa János Hospital of Tolna County in Szekszárd.

It was also stated that the institution could only be entered after pre-selection and that a companion could only enter in justified cases, such as the father of a sick child. It is not possible to enter the hospital area by car, the transport of patients with reduced mobility is assisted by the hospital’s patient transport service and patient guides.

The entry points for outpatient hospitals work in the same order.

It also imposes a visitation ban also the Markusovszky University Hospital in Szombathely, for all its sites and patient care departments from September 1 until revocation. He did the same in Salgótarján St. Lazarus County Hospital management too.

Since August 29 at the Bács-Kiskun County Teaching Hospital in Kecskemét There is also a ban on visits, and from Friday August 28 visitors are also not allowed to go to St. John’s Hospital in the capital.

Due to the increasing trend in the incidence of coronavirus infection Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Regional Central Hospital and Teaching University Hospital also ordered the prohibition of visits to various sites, as well as Visitors cannot go to the Szent György University Teaching Hospital in Fejér County, after two patients tested positive for the coronavirus, so a visit ban was introduced as of August 26..
