Viktor Orbán: Europe is in trouble


Europe is in trouble because it has not yet been able to establish a new place in the international economy, he said. Viktor Orban The Hungarian prime minister at the 15th Bled Strategic Forum on Monday, according to MTI.

In Europe, it is difficult to understand that, unlike the United States and China, we are not capable of radically changing the rules of the game.

The Hungarian Prime Minister noted.

According to Viktor Orbán, the reason for this is that there is no common European army and related science-innovation centers that can be the engines of technological development.

It remains for the moment to clarify our current situation and its consequences.


This year’s international conference will focus on the challenges and opportunities facing Europe, especially in light of the coronavirus epidemic and Brexit. The forum is attended by the heads of state and government and the foreign ministers of many countries.

Featured Image: MTI / Prime Minister’s Press Office / Vivien Cher Benko
